JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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Tutorial TopicsThis first set of topics (up to Ending the Programme) explains
concepts to give you an understanding of how WVH works. The topics from File
on down through Help give you information on how to use a specific item
on WVH's menus.
Ending WVH (return to DOS)When you are finished using WVH and want to end the
programme just select the E|x|it option under the |F|ile menu. If all menus
are closed, just press |Fx|, or you can highlight the File menu then use the
down arrow to highlight Exit then press ─┘Enter.
How to registerIf you use WVH in a business past the 60-day trial period
you |must| pay the registeration fee. For this fee the author will:~~1. Send
you the latest version of WVH with automated installation on your choice of
floppy disk~~2. Print, bind, and send you a manual, if you so desire~~3. Be
available to you via telephone, mail, and BBS~~To get your Registered Edition
copy just...~~|1.| Enter "TYPE ORDER.FRM > PRN" at the DOS prompt (without the
quotation marks) to print the order form. Or you may wish to print the manual
(see the Printing The Documentation help screen for instructions) in which
case the order form can be found on page 7.~~|2.| Fill in and send it with
payment to 28 Mulberry Street, Clinton, NY USA 13323-1506. Your Registered
Edition disk with automated installation will arrive in 1-4 weeks. If you
order during the summer of 1993 please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery since I
will be moving during this time.~~Once you register you can get updates from a
local BBS or receive low-cost updates on disk through the mail. You may also
subscribe to receive regular updates about every month (see section V in the
manual for details).
Menu UsageThe menu you see near the top of your screen is my informal
understanding of an SAA- or CUA-compliant menu. It is the same type of menu
you will find in Windows, Gem, QuickBASIC, and "Mac" computers.~~WVH's menu,
which is on the second line of your screen, is two-dimensional: there are
|menu headings| horizontally and under each of these are the actual |menu
items|. There are two ways to choose a menu item:~~1. Use the right, left,
up, and down arrows to highlight the item you want then press |─┘Enter|,
or~~2. Press the highlighted letter of the menu item~~For example, you can
press |F| then |x| to exit WVH, or highlight |File| then press the down arrow
and highlight |Exit| then press |─┘Enter|.~~|NOTES|~~To pull-down (|open|) a
menu just highlight it then press |─┘Enter| or the |down-arrow| key.~~To
|close| a menu just press the |Esc| key. It is not necessary to close a menu.
You can use the right/left arrows with the menus opened to browse all of the
options. Usually the only reason to close a menu is so you can use the
letters instead of arrows (e.g., if you had the File menu open and wanted to
use the Help Index you could press Esc to close the File menu then press
|H|-|I| to jump to the Help Index).
Printing the documentationThere are four documentation files which came with
your copy of WVH:~~1. |READ.ME| ── Things to know before using WVH and tips
to help get you started~2. |WVH.TXT| ── ASCII text file of the shareware
manual (which differs from the more in-depth printed manual)~3. |WVH.WP| ──
WordPerfect 5 file of the shareware manual~4. |ORDER.FRM| ── A blank invoice
for ordering all of my software (an invoice & registration form is included
in the WVH.TXT and WVH.WP files).~~Go to the DOS prompt and change to your
WVH directory (e.g., "cd \wvh"). Now, to |display| one of the ASCII
files:~~|| Type "|LIST filename|" - If you have LIST in your computer you
will see the file appear almost instantly~~|| If you don't have LIST (the
computer said 'bad command or file name') then use "|MORE < filename|"~~To
|print| a file enter "|TYPE filename > PRN|"~~If you have WordPerfect just
load WVH.WP. You will see instructions in a comment inside the file.
Status LineWVH has a status line at the bottom of the screen which looks
like this:~~|Vehicles│Div/Dept/Owners│Codes│Maint. Records│01-01-1980|~~From left to
right the items are:~ 1. Total records in the open file~ 2. Total records
selected for printing~ 3. Total records bad or excluded from mailings~ 4. The
word |Pack| if there are entries to be erased~ 5. Index in use (name,
company, address, or zip)~ 6. To-day's date (so far as the computer knows).
FileIn general, using the File menu is like going over to your paper filing
cabinet. Under this menu are options to work with the files stored on your
disk.~~You can select options in one of two ways:~~|| Use the up- and
down-arrow keys to highlight the item you want then press |═╛Enter|, or~~||
press the highlighted letter for the item.
Back-upMakes a back-up copy of your data files. You must have a formatted
floppy disk ready. You can use the same back-up disk over and over again (the
new copy will over-write the old one), but it may be a good idea to alternate
at least three back-up copies.~~|NOTES|~~Use a rotating back-up scheme with
at least three sets of disks or tapes.~~When the work you've done since your
last back-up becomes too much to lose, it's time to make another
back-up.~~See Preferences Back-up for information on selecting a back-up
method. Using compression software for back-ups requires more memory than
DOS. |Use Help/About| to see your free memory.~~|| ARJ 2.30 needs at least
|242k| free while WVH is running~~|| LHARC 2.13 needs at least |189k|
free~~|| PKZip 1.1 needs at least |119k| free
RestoreUse this to recover your data files from a back-up copy ── this is
the opposite of the Back-up function ── if data files become damaged or are
accidentally erased.~~|CAUTION|~~Restoring data files |replaces| the existing
files with the ones on the back-up disk.~~If you want to restore only |some|
of the files and not others, you must do so manually from the DOS prompt.
Format FloppiesWVH first tries to find WFF.EXE in your DOS search path. If
found, What Floppy Format? is run; otherwise, you will be asked to specify a
drive and the DOS FORMAT command will be used.~~|CAUTION|~~Formatting
completely erases any information which may be on a disk.~~|NOTES|~~Your DOS
|path| must point to |format.com| (which is probably in your DOS directory).
If it does not you will see 'Bad command or file name' flash on your screen
and disks will not be formatted.~~No parameters are passed to FORMAT ── your
drive's highest density will be used.
Reindex all filesUse this if the computer loses power abruptly or for any
other reason you seem to be missing data. This goes through the files and
re-builds each index file. It takes a while, but it sorts everything out and
your data will all be back the way you expect it to be.
Pack filesThis function removes the records you have deleted. When you
delete a record it is marked but not actually deleted. When you use this
Pack function the file is stripped of all the deleted records. The result is
that the file size shrinks, saving disk space, and the access speed may
improve if you have large files. If there are no deleted records in a file
this function won't do anything (although it is safe tu use it at any time,
of course).
ExitEnd WVH (which will return you to DOS or your menu). Always exit the
programme before turning your computer's power off.
Data EntryThese screens let you enter information about the vehicles your
company has, the divisions or departments in your company, and the types of
service (usually 3,000 mile service, 6,000 mile service, etc.). Once you
have set-up your vehicles, divisions, and service codes, you can use the
Maintenance option to enter service information.
MaintenanceThis is where you enter the actual service performed on a
vehicle, including parts used. The steps in this process are:~~ |1.| Select
a vehicle~|2.| Select a service code~|3.| Select a date or "new"~|4.| Enter
the service information.~~Step 4, entering the service information, has three
windows. You can |jump| between the windows by pressing the |F6| key.~~If
you need to change to tax rate or set it to zero just use the |F3| key. You
will notice as the function of the F3 key changes the description near the
bottom of the screen changes as well. See the bottom of your screen for other
special action keys.
Divisions/OwnersThis portion of the WVH data base is to keep track of the
owners of each vehicle, or the department or division within your company
which is reponsible for maintaining each one. WVH uses these Divisions to
print billing statements, which can also be used to separate the costs of
maintaining different categories of equipment.~~|EXAMPLES|~~|Within a
Large Company|~~If your company has a large fleet of vehicles, each owned
by different departments or divisions within the company, you will want to
define each department or division. As you enter each vehicle into the
data base, specify the responsible department/division for the vehicle. At
regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, or whatever your schedule is), you
can print billing statements for each division so the accounting
department knows whose budgets are being used for what and also so each
department can keep track of what their vehicles are costing them to
maintain.~~|An Independent Contractor|~~Another example might be if you
are a contractor performing maintenance for many different companies. In
this case you would want to use the divisions as "Owner codes." Set up
each of your customers with a code and then specify that code for each of
their vehicles. At regular intervals you can then print billings for each
of your customers~~|A Diverse Company|~~Let's say that you maintain a wide
range of vehicles, from tractors, to big rigs, to company cars. You might
want to have separate listings for the maintenance costs for each type of
vehicle. So you could set up a division code for cars, one for excavation
equipment, one for tractor/trailers, etc. and then define each vehicle
with the appropriate code. Then you can print out billing statements
which would give you a summary of the costs to maintain each type of
VehiclesUse this to enter & edit information about the vehicles your company
owns. This screen has two windows:~~|| a code window showing the codes for
each vehicle defined, and~~|| a data window showing the information for
that vehicle code.~~You start out in the code window (you will see a
highlighted code to indicate your position; this is the computer's
|cursor|). You can move the cursor with the arrow keys and the PgUp and
PgDn keys on your keyboard. You can also locate codes by pressing a letter
or number and the window will "jump" to the codes which begin with that
letter or number.~~|Editing Existing Codes|~~To change information for an
existing vehicle code just highlight the code (as explained above) and
press ─┘Enter. The cursor will "jump" to the right-hand window where you
can modify the information. You can use the arrow keys in the right-hand
data window just like in the code window. Notice the function keys at the
bottom of the screen. To save your changes press the |F7| key.~~|Inserting
New Vehicles|~~Adding new vehicles is done by simply pressing the |Ins|
(insert) key on your keyboard. WVH will jump to the bottom of the code
window and wait for you to enter a vehicle code. Your codes can be
anything that makes sense to you ── a company ID number, the first letter
of the manufacturer followed by a number, etc. Enter the code and press
─┘Enter and the cursor will jump to the data window. Enter whatever is
needed here and press |F7| to save.~~|Deleting Vehicles|~~Removing a
vehicle from the data base is simple: Highlight it's code and press the
|Del| (delete) key. WVH will warn you that the vehicle is about to be
erased from the data base and ask your permission to continue.
Service CodesThis allows you to enter service codes you will use to identify
the type of service given to a vehicle (e.g., 3,000 mile service, 6,000 mile
service, etc.). Special function keys are displayed at the bottom of the
MechanicsUse to enter a code, hourly rate, and division/department for each
mechanic or third-party service provider. While on the Division/Owner field
you can press «F3» to open a window of choices. The In-House field indicates
whether this mechanic is in-house or a third party provider (another shop). An
Employee Productivity report can be printed for in-house mechanics.~~A
mechanic is "attached" to each service record. When entering a maintenance
(service) information there is a field for the mechanic code.
Schedule MaintenanceAllows you to schedule vehicles for maintenance. Once
scheduled, you can print a Maintenance Schedule from the Reports menu. |NOT
ReportsThis menu lets you display or print the information on file. You will
be asked if you want the report to go to the screen, a printer, or a disk
Division ListA list of divisions/departments on file.
Vehicle ListA list of vehicles on file.
Service Code ListA list of the service codes on file.
Mechanic ListA list of Mechanic codes on file. This report was formerly
called the Place Of Service/Employee list.
Maintenance HistoryThis report is a detailed maintenance history for one or
all vehicles. You may select a single vehicle or press the F10 key to
report on all vehicles.
Billing by Division/OwnerPrints billing for each division/owner, showing
each service record - parts, labour, and comments - which has not yet been
billed. When you select this option WVH first scans for unbilled service in
the files and presents a menu of owners/divisions. Select each owner/division
for which you would like a bill printed by pressing the |«SpaceBar»|. An
arrow next to a name means that a bill will be printed.~~When the billing has
been printed WVH will ask permission to update the files. This is where WVH
"remembers" which items have been billed. If you press |Enter| then the items
which were printed will be flagged as "billed" so they will not print again
using this report.
Re-print Billing by dateThis option provides the same report as the Billing
option, but it prints everything on file within a range of dates you provide,
regardless of whether it has been billed or not. Thus you may print a billing
summary to show service done for a division/owner last month, for example.
Employee ProductivityThis report shows the work done by an employee over a
given period of time. This report is |not yet functional|.
Tickler (Vehicles Due for Svc)List of vehicles which have not been serviced
in a given time interval which you specify before printing the report.
Maintenance ScheduleLists the vehicles scheduled for maintenance between two
dates. This is useful for printing a list of vehicles due to be services
today, this week, etc. This report is |NOT YET FUNCTIONAL|.
PreferencesThis menu lets you change various settings, such as the printer
you are using, etc.
Operating ChoicesPref_OpsPreviously there had been seperate Back-up and
Country screens; now they have been merged into this one with new options
added.~~1. Back-up method determines whether or not compression software is
used for back-up copies~~2. Country determines your home country, zip code
format, etc.~~3. Directory format determines how your files will be displayed
when you use the File menu.~~4. Error tone determines the sound, if any, WVH
will make when it encounters a problem.
Back-upPref_BackupPress the |F3| key to set this field ── a menu of choices
will appear from which you may highlight a choice & press |─┘Enter|~~Allows
you to set the method for backing-up your data files. Use DOS' COPY or ARJ,
LHArc, or PKZip compression software available which is in your DOS
path.~~Compression software will typically pack 2-10 times the data in the
same space so even a 360k floppy can hold megabytes of back-up
data.~~|NOTES|~~Using compression software requires more memory. Use
|Help/About| to see your free memory.~~|| ARJ 2.30 needs at least |242k|
free~|| LHARC 2.13 needs at least |189k| free~|| PKZip 1.1 needs at least
|119k| free~See also the File/Backup help for more information.
CountryPref_CountrySet the country who's standards of measurement &
expression you wish to use. This setting currently has no function in WVH.
Soon it will control the date and numerical formats.
PrinterPref_PtrsThis screen lets you set the printer you will be using and
the fonts for reports so that WVH can control it properly.~~|NOTES|~~You
must define a printer & fonts before you can print anything.
Setting Printer ModelPref_PtrSetYou must define the printer you will be
using so that WVH knows how to control it properly. Many printers, even
different brands, use the same control codes. If your printer is not on the
list look in your manual to find a model it emulates. Dot matrix printers are
usually Epson or IBM compatible.~~To set this field:~~|1.| Press the |F3| key
or double-click with a mouse. A window of printer choices will "pop up" on
your screen.~~|2.| Use the up/down/PgUp/PgDn keys to highlight your choice
then press ─┘Enter.
Printer PortPref_PtrPortThis is the "channel" WVH will use to access your
printer ── LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3. If you only have one printer it is probably
connected to LPT1.
PCL Soft Font DirectoryPref_SoftDirIf you use a PCL laser printer you can
use soft fonts (fonts stored on disk which are sent to the laser printer as
needed. When you choose the |Select a Soft Font| option when setting a PCL
font you will be given the chance to specify the drive and path on which your
font files reside. Any new information you enter here will be saved as the
new default soft font directory.
Titles FontPref_TFontSelect the font you would like to use to print report
titles. Proportionally-spaced fonts work well for titles. Titles will also
use bold and underlining to stand out from the body of the report, so it's
okay if you use the same font for both the titles & body of reports.~~To set
this field:~~|1.| Press the |F3| key or double-click with a mouse. A window
of font choices will "pop up" on your screen.~~|2.| Use the up/down/PgUp/PgDn
keys to highlight your choice then press ─┘Enter.~~|3.| If the font is
scalable you will be asked to enter the size of print you would like to
use.~~|LASER PRINTER NOTES|~~Reports are printed in portrait orientation. A
soft font will have to end in .SFP to be used for report titles.
"Normal" FontPref_NFontSelect the font you would like to use to print the
body of reports. If often looks best if you pick a fixed-pitch font, such as
"Courier 10cpi." Avoid fonts larger than 10cpi except for titles. Experiment
with different fonts to get the best results.~~To set this field:~~|1.| Press
the |F3| key or double-click on the field with a mouse. A window of font
choices will "pop up" on your screen.~~|2.| Use the up/down/PgUp/PgDn keys to
highlight your choice then press ─┘Enter.~~|3.| If the font is scalable you
will be asked to enter the size of print you would like to use.
Lines per pagePref_LPPEnter the number of lines (maximum) you would like
printed on a page. Most printers have a total of 66 lines on an 11" long
sheet of paper except for lasers which have 60. You will probably have a top
margin, however, which will reduce the number of printable lines, and you
will probably want a bottom margin, too. For printers with 66 lines per page
a setting of 55 is good. For laser printers with 60 lines per page a setting
of 50 may be better.
Left marginPref_LMThis lets you set a left margin for your reports. To
shift reports to the right enter the number of inches, between 0 and 2
Tax & LabourPref_TaxLbrThis screen lets you set:~~1. Whether or not to allow
entry of a labour rate on the Maintenance Data Entry screen~~2. Sales tax
rate (if any) for parts (but not labour)~~|NOTES|~~Set the sales tax rate as
a percentage. For example, if your sales tax rate is 6-1/4% then enter
Allow labour...Pref_LbrThis field indicates whether you would like to enter
labour rate ($/hour) on the maintenance data entry screen and is provided to
accommodate for larger companies where the person doing data entry has
nothing to do with setting the rate charged for labour. This lets you operate
two ways:~~1. If you and/or your employees always use the same labour rate
then it is easier if you set this field to |No| and set up each service
provider with that hourly rate (on the Mechanics data entry screen).~~2. If
the labour rate varies (e.g., for different types of service) then set this
field to |Yes| so you can enter the appropriate labour rate at the time you
enter the other service information.
Sales TaxPref_TaxHere is where you set your sales tax rate for your area.
This can be the rate you charge your customers or the rate that you get
charged by your service centres ── it works the same either way.~~Enter
fractions as decimals:~1/2 is .5~1/4 is .25~1/8 is .125~~For other fractions
just take a calculator and punch in the division. For example, for 7-3/4%
sales tax punch in "3" divided by "4" and you'll get ".75", so 7-3/4% is
7.75% in decimal form.~~The sales tax rate you enter is the default ── the
one which will apply to most of your entries. When you need a different tax
rate (or zero tax) you can use the F3 toggle shown at the bottom of the
Maintenance Data Entry screen.